Bill 28 - Forest Amendment Act

 Government has introduced Bill 28 – Forest Amendment Act 2021 (not be confused with Bill 23 which involves mostly changes to FRPA).  A copy of Bill 28 and the news release are attached for your ease of reference. 

 Haven’t had a chance to review and assess the implications of Bill 28 to WLs in detail yet, but a quick read identified a few notable amendments including changes the compensation provisions to tenure holders impacted by the deletion of land or an AAC reduction, ability of gov’t to designate special purpose areas, and requiring area-based tenure holders to do inventories for soil, terrain, water resources, fish, wildlife, ecosystems, recreation, and visuals.  Currently, the Forest Act requires a WL holder to do a timber resource inventory only.

Province of British Columbia - Bill 28 News Release

Bill 28 - Forest Amendment Act


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