Government money for your woodlot license - how to get it for fiscal year 22/23
Forests for Tomorrow Annual Planning Process
Project proposals for Land Base Investment (LBI)/Forests for Tomorrow (FFT) funding of non-obligatory activities on woodlot licenses are now being received until October 8, 2021. See attached planning process for an overview, a project proposal template, and here is a link to the current Silviculture Funding Criteria.
Note that some timber supply areas are higher priority than others for funding opportunities. The main activities funded are for current reforestation (beetle, fire killed stands that are not economic to harvest), and a few activities around timber supply mitigation. This is a good source of funds to deal with uneconomic/non-salvageable burnt stands that don’t have a silviculture obligation; you can get funds for surveys, prescriptions, site prep, sowing and planting. We haven’t done an assessment of how much woodlot license area has burned this year, but it is likely to be substantial at least in the Southern Interior.
Timeline – submissions of project proposals has to be collated and in to MFLNRORD by October 8, 2021. Licensees or consultants can send their project proposals to me to be collated by October 6, 2021 at the latest. FLNRORD would ideally like to see concurrent input with the regional government FFT leads (Appendix B of the attached), and local woodlot or tenures foresters as well – ideally proponents would do this as they have the local relationships. We then usually have a firmed up plan by March 2022 of what will likely be funded.
Please reach out to Mike Simpson with any questions or initial clarification of eligibility – but it’s the local FLNRORD FFT leads or your woodlot forester that will approve the eligibility and support it.
Mike Simpson, MA, RPF
LBI/FESBC Project Manager
Cariboo, Kamloops & District, and Federation of BC Woodlot Licence Associations
M.F. Simpson Ltd.
Cell 250-299-1202