New Silviculture Surveys Procedures

Dear WL Holders:

As you have likely heard, there are major changes underway in the BC Silvicultural Surveys procedures.  Taisa Brown of the MoF is leading the transition process.  She has prepared a set of informative and entertaining-to-surveyors videos and written materials, referenced below.

Taisa knows WL exist, the 2022 Silv Surveys Procedures Manual reflects that, and we are in contact.    However, the training, rollout materials and general conversation tend to reflect FPPR, not WLPPR.  Fortunately, there is not much difference in what is being surveyed for in a FPPR block and a WL block.  Generally, the  changes apply to both admin regimes.

The new survey procedures do not change the legal objectives you have to meet in a harvest area.  If you are a WL holder who is not that interested in silviculture surveys and reporting procedures, you could choose to ensure you are meeting your regeneration and free growing obligations, and hire a certified surveyor with some WL experience when the time comes.

If you want to know what is afoot, I recommend Taisa's What's New 2022 Training Session Video or the Whats New 2022 pdf, referenced below.

Tom Bradley

The BC Silviculture Surveys website is now live with the:

-2022 Silviculture Survey Procedures Manual

-What’s New 2022

-2022 FS658

-2022 FS659

-2022 FS660

There are significant changes to the silviculture survey procedures.  Please carefully review the What’s New 2022 document and the manual.

To help with the adoption of these new procedures, I have prepared several training videos:

-What’s New 2022 Training Session

-Rationales for 2022 Survey and Reporting Updates

-2022 Updates to FS660

-2022 FS658 and FS659 Updates

These videos are linked on the BC Silviculture Surveys website.  You can also find them on the BC Silviculture Surveys YouTube channel.

The paper cards should be ready for ordering around April 21st. I’m sorry for the delay.

Please share this email with your silviculture contacts.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out!

Happy surveying!

Taisa Brown, RPF
Silviculture Performance Assessment Specialist
Office of the Chief Forester | Forest Science, Planning, and Practices Branch
Phone (250) 480-9883
Ministry of Forests


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