Old Growth & Recruitment Forests on WLs - your help is requested
Please see the request from the Woodlot Federation below. I already had an online meeting with Michele Babchuk, MLA for the North Island. In addition to the 3 attached files from the FBCWA, I included my notes for the Jan. 31 meeting that I had prepared and sent beforehand to Michele. The meeting was very positive, also as Michele said, because the notes offered a solution how woodlots could contribute. I probably did stick my neck out here, but the notion that woodlots should be exempt seems to be a non-starter. There are more MLAs and First Nations to be contacted and many of our members have strong relations with them. Please go ahead and make contact as well as you can. If you feel it appropriate you can limit the message to your own situation. It is also important to understand how First Nations think about it. Now is probably the most crucial time when this input should be made.
FBCWA Letter to Minister Conroy
Minister's reply to Dec. 13, 2021 OG letter
Notes for January 31, 2022 Meeting with North Island MLA Michele Babchuk
Thanks to all of you,
Wolfram Wollenheit