Online Meeting with Campbell River District

Dear members,

Our new District Manager in Campbell River, Lesley Fettes, is inviting the woodlot licensees among us to an online meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday, December 9th (next week) at 1pm. The meeting can be joined online (computer, phone, tablet) or by phone with the link and details shown below.


The two main topics are to meet with the new team in the Campbell River District and to discuss the pending Old Growth deferral policy.

Present will be also:

Brenda Mann, District Steward Officer

Jim Carlyle, District Authorizations & Pricing

Randy Husband, Regional Director, Pricing, Tenures and Admin

Emma Neill, Provincial Senior Timber Tenures Forester


Mark Clark, FBCWA President

Brian McNaughton, FBCWA General Manager


Woodlot licensees have many questions  about the immediate and long-term impacts of the OG deferral on their operations.

However, as the implementation strategy is still being developed, not all questions can get answered at this time. This meeting will help to clarify the intended policy and possibly identify obstacles. As the years before, our members know that on the local level a cooperative approach is the most successful to overcome challenges like this.

I am looking forward seeing you all at the meeting.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 778-401-6289,,499547264#   Canada, Victoria

Phone Conference ID: 499 547 264#


MAMU Order/Notice Announcement


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