Wildlife Act – Indigenous Amendments 2022

Today the Province has introduced legislative amendments to the Wildlife Act aimed to support reconciliation and greater collaboration with Indigenous peoples in wildlife stewardship in BC. These amendments were developed in partnership with the First Nations-BC Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Forum and are part of implementing Together for Wildlife.


These amendments are a first step in demonstrating government’s commitment to reconciliation under the Wildlife Act and is an important step as we move toward co-management of wildlife.  The Province consulted extensively with First Nations, indigenous-led organizations and others on the policy intentions, heard their viewpoints and made improvements to the Bill.


The amendments, introduced today, by Honourable Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, include:

·         Definitions for “first Nation”, “governing body”, “guest”, “host first nation” and “sheltering agreement”,

·         Incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge in decision-making under the Wildlife Act, and protection and confidentiality of that Indigenous Knowledge, and

·         Establishing jurisdiction for the Province, through the Minister, to enter into agreements with First Nation governance structures regarding Protocol Hunting and Sheltering.


There is more work to do and more consultation will occur with First Nations, stakeholders, other partners and staff as these amendments get implemented.


More information on the amendments to the Wildlife Act can be found in the attached document titled Wildlife Act Indigenous Amendments Introduced 2022.pdf.


The full text of the amendments can be found here: Bill 14 – 2022: Wildlife Amendment Act, 2022 (leg.bc.ca)



Letter From Minister Conroy


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