Woodlot Interview: McNaughton | Managed Forest: BC Assessment

Oral History of Woodlots: In October 2023, Brian McNaughton, woodlot licensee (W1808) and former FBCWA General Manager, of Williams Lake, BC, was interviewed by David Brownstein about his decades in the British Columbia forest industry. Included in the link below are two different versions of the conversation: full length and a shorter 'woodlots only' version. Check it out - there's even a photo of Brian in his glory days!

Notice from BC Assessment - Managed Forest: BC Assessment is committed to providing, fair, accurate and reliable assessment services and property information for British Columbia. As part of honouring that commitment, we are writing to request your assistance in alerting your members of two aspects of tax law that have caused significant concern for some purchasers of private managed forest land:

  1. Purchasers of managed forest land may be responsible for paying taxes on timber previously harvested by the Vendor; and,

  2. Purchasers of managed forest land may be responsible for paying exit fees to the Managed Forest Council if the property is removed from managed forest class.

Please read our IMPORTANT NOTICE: Purchasers of Private Managed Forest Land
More information on understanding Managed Forest Land Classification and Assessment can be found at bcassessment.ca/managedforest:

*FBCWA Note: In addition to the Important Notice by BC Assessment, prospective purchasers or sellers of private forest land need to be aware that:

  • Private Managed Forest Land is a land classification for property tax purposes and may not apply to all woodlots with private land contribution. (see the Private Managed Forest BC government, and Managed Forest Council for further information)

  • Private forest land Schedule A that may be contained within a woodlot licence will have separate obligations related to the specific tenure agreement from those described in the Private Managed Forest classification. (See your specific woodlot licence agreement)

  • The BC Logging Tax applies to individuals or corporations in BC that have income from logging operations on private or Crown land in B.C. The tax is administered separately by a Commissioner appointed under the Income Tax Act (federal),  and may also carry, at the time of sale, outstanding tax owed, or other penalties based on past harvests. (see BC Logging Tax guides for further information)



Forester-In-Training: Tom Younger
