Woodlot Owners Fire Resources and Current Training

Good Day everyone.  It was nice to meet those of you who I could during the tour and field trip at Alex's Woodlot on June 18th, and I am sorry I could not have met everyone.  I thought it was a very informative session, with some valuable and insightful input from licence holders. 


To continue the discussion, and prepare for fire season, the Fire Department is curious to understand the equipment resources and existing training of the Woodlot licence operators, and contractors on Quadra Island. 


Some of the items we are curious about are:

- existing equipment (pumps, hose, water trucks, heavy equipment etc)

- recent training, S100

- Locations of equipment that could possibly be used if you are not available to be on your claim, subject to type of equipment.

- your willingness to assist in the event of a fire adjacent to your licence or a larger Quadra wide incident.

- known locations of accessible water for fire suppression. 


Any information shared, along with your contact information, would be housed in a confidential database/map, information that the Fire Department may use in the event of a wildfire in your area, or a large Quadra wide event.  Additionally, information such as water sources could be shared through us to Coastal Fire in a fire event in the area.


By request, someone from the Department could be available to meet with you and look at your equipment if needed.


Please feel free to respond via email, or give me a call if you would rather discuss over the phone.


Cheers, Evan



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NIWA woodlot tour June 18th